How to use Essential Beard Oil.
Posted by Frank Sell on
Hey gang, we've had a few questions on how to use beard oil. If you're like me you have never grown a full beard before. What I've learned so far

Beat the street so hard they send you a bill for The Potholes.
Posted by Frank Sell on
Look, it's not just some cute or cliche I came up with. I lived it. Here's the deal, 15 years ago I quit my last job. I started a so-called career as a welder. I didn't choose the profession because I thought welders got all the hot chicks, I chose it because I knew I could always be employed. So I started on this path right out of high school. The last job I had I was 18 when I started there. It wasn't long after though the company was sold. What happens when a company gets sold? Well, we all know the axe comes out. One of the things to get axed was the current...

Deer Hunting And Scent Covering Beard Oil
Posted by Frank Sell on
Did you know that essential oils can cover your scent for your next hunt? We had no idea until the idea popped into our head. Leave it to Google, as soon as we had the thought we hit the search button. Low and behold, essential oils can be used to help cover your scent. Cedar and Vetiver amongst other oils are listed as oils that help mask human scent. Now you can call in the two legged Bambi as well as that trophy buck. both compliments of a great facial forest by Baby Beard Club. Here's a link to a short article explainig.
Our first "How To" beard video.
Posted by Frank Sell on
Hey gang, we know how ya feel because we felt the same way! It's been about a year since I started growing a beard. In that time we've learned quite a bit about growing and taking care of a beard. We have had a few questions as well on how to use Essential Beard Oil. It's more than just a beard oil, it really is essential beard oil. All our formulas are designed to help with daily function wether you have a beard or not. Here's a short video explaining some beard basics.

Skinny Craig? WTH?
Posted by Frank Sell on
What the hell is Skinny Craig? Hey, we know it sounds out there but 1000's of years of using essential oils has shown that certain oils will actually help suppress appetite. The blend of essential oils in Skinny Craig are formulated with this in mind. Not only are they formulated for their therapeutic effect this is probably our sweetest smelling blend of oils. Don't just take our word for it, here's a link with details for you deataily type people. And of course a disciplined habit of eating good foods and getting off your ass helps too.
Baby Beard Club ruins Christmas!
Posted by Frank Sell on
Well, we wouldn't say ruins Christmas but maybe gets a head start. What can we say we just Get Shit Done around here and look good doing it. If you're ready to get a head start on that Facial Forest, you're just a couple clicks away. Check out a short video and revue here from Joseph.

Top 3 Coolest Facts About Beards
Posted by Frank Sell on
1. In 1860, an 11-year-old girl named Grace Bedell wrote a letter to then-presidential hopeful Abraham Lincoln, encouraging him to grow a beard to attract more votes. “[Y]ou would look a great deal better for your face is so thin,” Miss Bedell wrote. “All the ladies like whiskers, and they would tease their husbands to vote for you and then you would be President.” By the time Lincoln left for the White House, he was fully bearded. 2. Talk about holding a grudge. Valentine Tapley, a Democrat from Missouri, vowed to never trim his beard if Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, won the presidency. When Honest Abe took office, Tapley stuck to his promise. At the time of his death, 50...