How to use Essential Beard Oil.
Posted by Frank Sell on
Hey gang, we've had a few questions on how to use beard oil. If you're like me you have never grown a full beard before. What I've learned so far
Beat the street so hard they send you a bill for The Potholes.
Posted by Frank Sell on
Look, it's not just some cute or cliche I came up with. I lived it. Here's the deal, 15 years ago I quit my last job. I started a so-called career as a welder. I didn't choose the profession because I thought welders got all the hot chicks, I chose it because I knew I could always be employed. So I started on this path right out of high school. The last job I had I was 18 when I started there. It wasn't long after though the company was sold. What happens when a company gets sold? Well, we all know the axe comes out. One of the things to get axed was the current...
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